U.S. City Leaders Call
There is tremendous pressure on marketplace leaders during the coronavirus pandemic. In our City Leaders call, Tom De Vries of the Global Leadership Network shared how they are having to pivot their model from broadcasting to over 1,400 sites worldwide to digital streaming and micro gatherings.
Dr. Chip Roper, of Voca Center and Chuck Proudfit of At Work on Purpose shared how marketplace leaders are in some of the most painful places, with four forces – physical health, economic instability, social unrest and political polarization all disrupting their "normal" business environments. This is forcing business leaders to be creative, and find new opportunities and ways of doing business in their new normal. City leaders can support these marketplace leaders by being a sounding board and help them be in a safe place. To do this pastors and ministers need to listen with empathy, practicality, creativity and provide a spiritual perspective to encourage these leaders.
Rick Rusaw at Gloo finished up with with a summary of trends in online attendance and provided some data on how people are participating in church in during the pandemic.